Monday, March 22, 2010

Case Accepted

Well, last Friday I finally (it was a long 3 weeks) had the chance to take a look at my ClinCheck.

Overall, I am really pleased with the results but unfortunately I need like a million attachments. Sure that's a slight exaggeration but I didn't even count. Thinking back, I think it is around 15! Yikes! I was not expecting that. I didn't get the chance to post any pictures because I forgot my camera. (Side note: I never forget my camera but of course this day I did) And, the ortho assistant didn't really know, or want to deal with, messing with the ClinCheck enough to freeze the before and afters and saving and blah, blah, etc. etc. So, I guess I will just have to take pictures of my smile instead....

I am really anxious to get this started. I am already trying to navigate the issues of brushing, flossing, meals, tea and wine. Thankfully, there are enough of us head over heels into the Invisalign process that I can do a quick scan at random blogs to gather thoughts on those things.

They are expecting my trays to be in in about two weeks, which I thought was pretty soon. It looks like my attachments are going to be put on from the beginning, which everyone including myself, thought that was odd considering most cases call to have them put on after a week or two. I'm not really sure what this says about my teeth. As of right now, my proposed treatment includes 20 aligners. I was hoping to get some whitening done before but it looks like I will have to wait till the end of the process.

I am indulging myself for these next couple of weeks, before I end my casual affair with soda and beef jerky.

Letter to the pearly whites:
Oh my dearest dental darlings, I am writing to say that it's time to put a little structure in your lives. I have been disappointed in recent years by your lax attitude. Through my most awkward teenage years however, you did keep me from becoming 'brace face' and for that I am thankful. But the time has come to address your recent wanderings, specifically you Canines.
This time will be short, but I hope to infuse a little discipline back into your roots. You will be delighting no more in soda and the occasional snack. Our meal times will be strict and our hygiene will be even stricter. It is time to get back to religious flossing and thorough brushing after each meal.
I understand that you may get upset, possibly even sore. I ask that you have some restraint and choose not to give me too much pain. We will both be thrilled at the end of this tooth camp.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

One Step Closer

Good News! I got the call day before yesterday that my case was back and I can go in next Friday to check out the ClinCheck. One step closer, the next step is confirming and then more waiting for trays.

I will try to post pictures of my preview soon!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Still Waiting

Business must be good for Invisalign, I mean just look at how many of us out there have blogs about it! I haven't even confirmed my treatment yet, heck I'm waiting to see what my case will look like but I'm still pretty excited.

It will be 2 weeks Wednesday that I went get my impressions made. I haven't heard back that we needed a new set, so hopefully it's just any day now. And then I guess the next part is waiting for the trays. Till then I guess I'll keep checking on all of you guys! I'll start posting pictures as it gets closer, but I must say I'm a little apprehensive about that. Does anyone really want to see my teeth? Well we'll see.

P.S. Can I just say that I am lookin forward to new diet! Not that I do lots of snacking or drink lots of soda to begin with, but even the little bit of change should help. Also, drinking through a straw? I like to drink tea so I wonder if this would help or should I just set aside my tea after dinner and breakfast to make things easier?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Story Begins

Well, I am thrilled to say that I am finally on the road to the smile I have always wanted. It feels like this is something that I have wanted for a really long time. Most folks might say that my smile is fine, some say it's even pretty. But, if you dare to ask me, what you will get is an incredibly detailed explanation of each tooth and how it can be adjusted. An obsession? Sure, it is possible. I mean, can you guess what my most frequent reoccurring dream is? Yes, my teeth falling out. Or, my teeth crumbling. Sure, I know someone who translates dreams might interpret is as something else. But, if anything it makes me extra conscious of my teeth.

That leads me to where we are today. Here I sit, a professional woman, still months short of 30, about to get braces. A new mother on top of that. But, I opted for Invisalign. That sort of brought me to this place. I know in my decision making, I was intrigued by real stories of Invisalign clients. So, I thought I'd share my story at this spot. Maybe my experience can help another smile obsessed individual make a choice.

I actually did my first initial consult a few months back but couldn't commit to the first initial fees through the holidays. The consultation was really great, and I can honestly say that I don't believe that my dentist was just trying to sell me on the Invisalign deal because I was felt like I was very thorough in my questions. As it turns out, traditional braces at his office are the same price as Invisalign anyway. With the Invisalign, I was tempted with the 'free' whitening however. Yes, of course I know it is not really free. I mean, geez I am paying $5400 for the treatment. (*a little upset because I missed the 10% but I am still negotiating). I was also sold very easily because he did inform me that this price would also include any modifications that needed to be done once the process was complete. For me, that will probably include a permanent retainer because of my canine rotations (less than 20 degrees). If I am not satisfied with the complete work of the Invisalign system, this would also include traditional braces that might be needed to finish the process. Again, it's a pretty pricey but its very inclusive which keeps me from getting hit with additional fees later.

I would recommend my dentist to anyone and I really feel comfortable there,so that was another selling point for me. The staff is great and they really try to make the entire dental experience very comfortable.

Months after the consultation, I called to get the ball rolling and last week I went for impressions. Now, I'm just waiting for them to call me to say Invisalign sent everything back. I'm really anxious to see what this 'ClinCheck' looks like and to really see if they can satisfy even the most obsessive clients.

I'm sort of hoping that I'm presented with something that will look a million times better and that people will actually be able to see. Vain? Perhaps. But, man if I'm spending this money I want people to be able to see the difference. The last thing I want to do is look back and say "wow, was that ever a waste of money." And actually, it is more that that. Those darn rotated canines really drive me nuts and I know they will continue to rotate and I don't want to be presented with some sort dental health problem when I'm a grandmother because of them.

As the teeth turn.....